SPECTRAL SCIENCE努美短波通滤光片Spectrogon

    13246646513 13682357549

    0755-83317701 0755-84670052

    短波通滤光片Spectrogon 简要描述:短波通滤光片Spectrogon Spectral curve at room temperature and normal incidence angle is supplied with each filter type • 产品型号:SP系列 短波通滤光片Spectrogon Shortwave-pass Filters Spectral measurements Spectral curve at room temperature and normal incidence angle is supplied with each filter type Description: SP-Cutoff in nanometers (Cutoff at 5 % Transmission) 短波通滤光片Spectrogon General Specifications Diameter: 25.4mm +0/-0.2 mm. Thickness: Specified in the filter list below (mm), tol ±0.2 mm Blocking: Average < 0.1 % above passband through blocked region Slope: < 5 % Description Substrate Thk Cutoff 5 % +/- tol Transm > % T Range low Block high SP-0500 nm BK7 .50 20,00 70,00 400,00 1200,00 SP-0505 nm BK7 1.00 30,00 80,00 450,00 1200,00 SP-0610 nm Cemented 1.00 20,00 80,00 420,00 1200,00 SP-0670 nm Cemented 1.00 30,00 60,00 320,00 1200,00 SP-0720 nm Glass .50 25,00 80,00 420,00 1200,00 SP-0810 nm BK7 .50 20,00 75,00 450,00 1200,00 SP-0950 nm Glass .50 25,00 80,00 700,00 1200,00 SP-0995 nm Glass .50 25,00 80,00 700,00 1200,00 SP-1000 nm Glass .50 50,00 70,00 850,00 1350,00 SP-1015 nm Glass .30 25,00 70,00 850,00 1450,00 SP-1060 nm Glass .50 10,00 70,00 650,00 1300,00 SP-1125 nm BK7 1.00 25,00 60,00 850,00 1600,00 SP-1300 nm Glass .50 50,00 60,00 1050,00 3000,00 SP-1800 nm BK7 1.00 50,00 70,00 1000,00 3100,00 SP-1845 nm Glass .50 80,00 70,00 1300,00 3000,00 SP-1900 nm BK7 1.00 50,00 50,00 1000,00 3000,00 SP-2010 nm Glass .50 50,00 70,00 1750,00 3000,00 SP-2030 nm Glass .50 30,00 70,00 1800,00 3000,00 SP-2050 nm Glass .50 50,00 70,00 1700,00 3000,00 SP-2060 nm Glass .50 50,00 70,00 1600,00 3500,00 SP-2350 nm BK7 1.00 50,00 70,00 2000,00 15000,00 SP-2600 nm Glass .50 100,00 70,00 1700,00 4000,00 SP-2750 nm Glass .30 80,00 60,00 1800,00 3000,00 SP-4500 nm Sapphire 1.00 100,00 70,00 3000,00 10000,00 SP-5545 nm Sapphire .30 100,00 70,00 3700,00 10000,00 SP-6234 nm Ge 2.10 150,00 70,00 4050,00 12000,00 SP-7250 nm Ge 1.00 200,00 75,00 5000,00 14000,00 SP-8300 nm Ge 1.00 100,00 70,00 6500,00 13000,00 SP-8300 nm Ge 1.00 100,00 70,00 6500,00 13000,00 SP-10500 nm Ge 1.00 110,00 70,00 8000,00 15000,00 SP-10650 nm Ge 1.00 200,00 70,00 8000,00 15000,00 座机:0755-84670052 0755-83317701 手机/微信:13682357549 13246646513 QQ:672776553 564600083 1903656788 Email:672776553@qq.com 564600083@qq.com

